Calendar of Events


Feb 26, 2018Feb 26, 2018 from 4:30pm–6:00pm

Guest Lecture: Martha Rosler

Guest Lecture: Martha Rosler

Martha Rosler’s work is included in the exhibition “Stories That We Tell: Art and Identity,” currently on view in the University Art Gallery through March 3rd. For her visit on February 26th, she will discuss her work and experience. Martha Rosler works in video, photography, text, installation, and performance. Her work focuses on the public sphere, exploring issues from everyday life and the media to architecture and the built environment, especially as they affect women. Rosler has for many years produced works on war and the national security climate, connecting life at home with the conduct of war abroad, in which her photomontage series played a critical part. She has also published several books of photographs, texts, and commentary on public space, ranging from airports and roads to housing and gentrification. A retrospective of her work has been shown internationally, and her writing is published widely in publications such as Artforum, e-flux journal, and Texte zur Kunst. Rosler lives and works in Brooklyn. She received her MFA from UC San Diego in 1974. Photo by Fred Lonidier. Martha Rosler (center) during her time as an MFA student at UC San Diego.

Date and Time

Feb 26, 2018Feb 26, 2018 from 4:30pm–6:00pm


Visual Arts Presentation Lab, SME 149, Structural & Materials Engineering Building

Event Registration

Registration is not required for this event.

Event Fee



Nick Lesley    858-822-7755


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

Visual Arts

Event Category

Talks and Lectures