Oct 27, 2017–Oct 27, 2017 from 12:30pm–3:00pm
This Friday marks the 50th year that UC San Diego students have been dropping pumpkins off of Muir College’s 11-story Tioga Hall. All are invited to witness the historic plunge of the 420-pound squash, which will be customarily hollowed and filled with individually wrapped candy. Each year students name the pumpkin. This fall it has been dubbed: “We are dropping – ‘I’m dropping hints that I’m 50 and single!’” The pumpkin’s “splat” will be measured. The record held is from a 500-pound pumpkin that spewed over 138 feet. After the drop a Halloween Carnival will be held from 1 to 3 p.m., sponsored by Muir College. Later, a dance will take place from 8-11 p.m. in Muir Quad. The sacrificial squash was donated by Jon Berndes, a local grower from Alpine.
Oct 27, 2017–Oct 27, 2017
from 12:30pm–3:00pm
Registration is not required for this event.
Christine Clark • ceclark@ucsd.edu
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public
Muir College