Nov 1, 2017–Nov 1, 2017 from 5:00pm–7:00pm
Overview Dr. Snyder will describe some of these tools and lead a discussion addressing key questions such as: Do we want to do this at all? If we are editing human genomes, then should this be done in vitro, in utero, or after birth? Are there some things we should not do? Who decides? Speaker Evan Y. Snyder, who is regarded as one of the “fathers of the stem cell field”, earned his M.D. and Ph.D. (in neuroscience) from the University of Pennsylvania and received training in Philosophy, Psychology, and Linguistics at Oxford University. He began his career as a physician-scientist at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital where, in addition to running a lab, remained clinically active in pediatrics, pediatric neurology, and newborn intensive care.
Nov 1, 2017–Nov 1, 2017
from 5:00pm–7:00pm
Fleet Science Center, Balboa Park
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The Center for Ethics in Science & Technology