Calendar of Events


Mar 8, 2018Mar 8, 2018 from 4:00pm–5:30pm

Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom

Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom

Drawing on personal letters, diaries, memoirs, government documents and contemporary news reports, John Pomfret reconstructs the surprising, tragic and marvelous ways Americans and Chinese have engaged with one another through the centuries. A fascinating and thrilling account, “Beautiful Country and the Middle Kingdom: America and China, from 1776 to the Present” is also an indispensable book for understanding the most important―and often the most perplexing―relationship between any two countries in the world. This event is co-sponsored by the UC San Diego Geisel Library and will take place in the Seuss Room (directions). Nearest parking is available at the Hopkins Parking Structure.

Date and Time

Mar 8, 2018Mar 8, 2018 from 4:00pm–5:30pm


UC San Diego Geisel Library Seuss Room

Event Registration

Registration for this event is required by . Visit the registration page for details.

Event Fee

Free to attend


Sam Tsoi    858-246-1950


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

GPS 21st Century China Center

Event Category

Talks and Lectures