Feb 15, 2018–Feb 15, 2018 from 3:30pm–5:00pm
Morris Rossabi, professor and historian of China and Central and Inner Asia at Columbia University, will discuss the present status of Sino-Mongol political, economic and cultural relations, and will seek to assess the future of Mongolia’s contacts with China and Taiwan. After a brief survey of Sino-Mongol relations from 1949 to the mid-1980s, this presentation focuses on China’s involvement since the 1990 collapse of communism in its neighbor. Increasing economic relations between China and Mongolia have had an impact on Mongolia’s views of and contacts with Inner Mongolia, Taiwan and Tibet. Taiwan has, in turn, been affected by the breakdown of communism in Mongolia.
Feb 15, 2018–Feb 15, 2018
from 3:30pm–5:00pm
UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy
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Free to attend
Sam Tsoi • stsoi@ucsd.edu • 858-246-1950
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public
GPS 21st Century China Center