Mar 14, 2018–Mar 14, 2018 from 8:00pm–5:00pm
Formerly known as the Center for Magnetic Recording Research, CMRR changed its name to the Center for Memory and Recording Research in 2015 to reflect its expanding research into memory technologies. The year 2018 marks 35 historic years for the Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMRR). For the past 35 years, CMRR has been making groundbreaking developments and playing a part in changing the landscape of the information storage technology and systems industry. For 35 years, CMRR has cultivated highly talented postdoctoral researchers and graduate students to become the next generation leaders of the scientific world. For 35 years, CMRR has served as a catalyst for joint investigations amongst its industrial sponsors, government agencies, and the university. We look forward to many more years of CMRR to come.
Mar 14, 2018–Mar 14, 2018
from 8:00pm–5:00pm
Center for Memory and Recording Research
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Iris Villanueva • • 8585346196
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public