Dec 7, 2017–Dec 7, 2017 from 2:00pm–3:30pm
Roddey Reid is Professor Emeritus, Department of Literature, UC San Diego where he taught courses on the modern societies and cultures of France, the U.S., and Japan. Since the kick-off in 2015 of the last presidential campaign, a climate of fear and intimidation has dominated national life in the United States to a degree rarely seen before, poisoning our politics and reaching into our very relationships with friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Based on his new short book, Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying: A Citizen’s Handbook for the Trump Era and Beyond, Professor Reid will explore how this came to be, how we can see ourselves through it, but also why it is not likely to go away anytime soon. At the core of this political history is a larger U.S. public culture of intimidation and bullying in the workplace, media, and political arena that has been building for 30 years and challenging citizens and residents who seek to engage in political life. He will review the strategies and dynamics of contemporary political intimidation and public bullying: how they work, the dangers they present, the snares and traps that envelop their targets, and the lessons to be learned.
Dec 7, 2017–Dec 7, 2017
from 2:00pm–3:30pm
Registration is not required for this event.
Derrick Chin •
Faculty, Students, The General Public
Amelia Glaser