Calendar of Events


Nov 1, 2017Nov 1, 2017 from 4:00pm–5:00pm

Dr. Marty Sereno from San Diego State University

Dr. Marty Sereno from San Diego State University Abstract: Topological maps of receptor sheets have long been known to characterize early stages of sensory processing in the brain. But two-dimensional topological maps have turned up in many other places. This talk summarizes recent advances in non-invasive cortical mapping of the human brain, focusing on functional, structural, and diffusion-based data visualized on the cortical surface using tools originally developed in my laboratory 25 years ago. We end with two teasers: a peek at the first complete surface reconstruction of the human cerebellum, and new data showing how information from one modality can penetrate all the way back to the input maps of another modality in a topological format. Bio: Marty Sereno received a BS in Geology from Northern Illinois University in 1978, an MS in Neurobiology and a PhD in the Philosophy of Science in 1984 at the University of Chicago. He then did a postdoc at Caltech with John Allman on visual neurophysiology. He was at the Cognitive Science department at the University of California San Diego until 2007 when he moved to London to direct the Birkbeck/UCL Neuroimaging center. In 2016, he moved back to San Diego to direct to direct a new neuroimaging center being constructed in the Engineering and Interdisciplinary Science building on the campus of San Diego State University. Though best known for his work on visual mapping and cortical-suface-based neuroimaging, he has retained an interest in natural symbol-using systems at the molecular and linguistic levels—and he really does intend to finish his book on this topic.

Date and Time

Nov 1, 2017Nov 1, 2017 from 4:00pm–5:00pm


Sanford Consortium, Duane J. Roth Auditorium - 2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037

Event Registration

Registration is not required for this event.

Event Fee

The seminar and light reception following the presentation are FREE


Keri O'Leary    858-822-5805


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

Dart Neuroscience - TDLC

Event Category

Talks and Lectures