Feb 26, 2018–Feb 26, 2018 from 4:30pm–6:00pm
Going beyond trade and investment relations, Beijing is increasingly exercising political influence and creating new dividing lines in Europe. Some observers in Washington see Europe drifting into the Chinese orbit. Mikko Huotari (German) and Philippe Le Corre (French) are two leading experts on Europe-China relations and will discuss with 21st Century China Center Chair Susan Shirk the state of play of Europe-China relations, how the EU and its member states position itself vis-a-vis China and the prospects for transatlantic coordination on China.
Feb 26, 2018–Feb 26, 2018
from 4:30pm–6:00pm
School of Global Policy and Strategy classroom 3202
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Free to attend
Samuel Tsoi • stsoi@ucsd.edu • 858-246-1950
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public
GPS 21st Century China Center