Calendar of Events


Mar 26, 2025Mar 26, 2025 from 8:30am–9:30am

Flooding the Market: with Vaidehi Tandel of The University of Manchester

Flooding the Market: with Vaidehi Tandel of The University of Manchester

Climate change is making floods more common and more devastating in urban areas around the world. Join Vaidehi Tandel, lecturer at the University of Manchester, as she discusses the implications this has for property prices and real estate development, and how income disparities affect who can afford to live in safer areas, using evidence from Mumbai, India. Aradhya Sood, from the University of Toronto, will provide additional insights and perspectives as a discussant.

Date and Time

Mar 26, 2025Mar 26, 2025 from 8:30am–9:30am



Event Registration

Registration for this event is required. Visit the registration page for details.

Event Fee



Curtis Bruno


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public, Alumni, Parents and Family

Event Host

The 21st Century India Center @ The School of Global Policy & Strategy

Event Category

Talks and Lectures