Feb 10, 2018–Feb 10, 2018 from 6:30pm–9:30pm
Join us for an exploration of the foods, sounds, and culture of Australia as we celebrate Australia Day at the Friends of the International Center’s Ethnic Dinner/Scholarship Fundraiser on Saturday, February 10, 2018, in the Great Hall at I-House. Please plan to arrive by 6:30 pm. Guests will enjoy a reception, music, dinner, and presentations, including a didgeridoo performance by Chris Canole and illustrated talks by evolutionary biologist, Chris Wills titled Springtime in Australia and by Visual Artist Ph.D. candidate Alex Kershaw titled One of Several Centres. Please make your reservations by Wednesday, January 31st at https://ficaustralia2018.eventbrite.com.
Feb 10, 2018–Feb 10, 2018
from 6:30pm–9:30pm
Great Hall at International House (I-House)
Registration for this event is required
by .
Visit the registration page for details.
Katya Newmark • PresFIC@ucsd.edu
Faculty, Staff, The General Public
Friends of the International Center