Calendar of Events


Sep 13, 2017Sep 13, 2017 from 8:00pm–9:00am

On UCSD-TV tonight: Baja’s Wild Side

In his role as a Scripps Oceanography shark research biologist, Daniel Cartamil has traveled the Pacific coast of Baja California for over a decade. He discovered a fragile paradise of remote landscapes, wildlife, and cultural treasures, on the verge of being overtaken by modern civilization. Science and art converge as we take a photographic journey through western Baja California illustrated with breathtaking photography from Cartamil’s new book, “Baja’s Wild Side.”

Date and Time

Sep 13, 2017Sep 13, 2017 from 8:00pm–9:00am


UCSD-TV on Spectrum channel 1231, Cox channel 135, AT&T U-verse channel 99

Event Registration

Registration is not required for this event.


Natalie Ann Syster    858-534-3535


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series

Event Category

Film and Television