Nov 8, 2017–Nov 8, 2017 from 8:00am–5:00pm
Process Palooza is November 8, 2017. Join in the fun, register to be a competitor or attendee. What is Process Palooza? A fun and inspiring day of activities and competition showcasing process improvement using Lean Six Sigma (LSS). At the event competitors will race against the clock to improve real campus processes while spectators enjoy fun learning opportunities and networking with games and activities. Why Attend? Across UC San Diego, departments and organizations are using LSS to streamline operations and provide great service. Whether you are new to LSS or already a practitioner, you won’t want to miss Process Palooza! Come and partake in the competition or presentations which bring LSS to life. Join in the LSS inspired games, attend an LSS basics class and don’t miss connecting with UC San Diego resources and communities of practice and or course our free lunch. What’s on the schedule? Come for the entire day or stop by when you can, there’s something for everyone. Free This inaugural event is free and open to the entire UC Community.
Nov 8, 2017–Nov 8, 2017
from 8:00am–5:00pm
Registration for this event is required
by .
Visit the registration page for details.
Lynn Underwood • • 858-822-4311
Faculty, Staff, Students
Process Palooza is Sponsored by IT Services & UC San Diego Extension