Calendar of Events


Nov 30, 2017Nov 30, 2017 from 4:00pm–5:00pm

SCABS Quarterly Meeting with Presentations—San Diego Cutaneous Biologists

SCABS Quarterly Meeting with Presentations—San Diego Cutaneous Biologists

Two presentations:

  • “The Role of JAML-CAR Costimulation in Cutaneous Tumorigenesis”, by Mike McGraw, GSR, The Scripps Research Institute (Havran Lab),
  • “The effects of commensal microbes on epigenetic control of skin inflammation by HDAC8 and HDAC” by Dr. James Sanford, UC San Diego Dermatology (Gallo Lab)
The presentations will be delivered between 4-5pm, on November 30th, 2017, in the auditorium 1W-210, Altman Clinical Translational Research Institute (ACTRI). Light refreshments will be served outside of the auditorium. No food/beverage is allowed inside. Contact Darlene Garvais at, or (858)822-6118, to RSVP and be entered in the email group for quarterly meeting announcements. If you would consider presenting at a future meeting, please contact Darlene and she will follow up.

Date and Time

Nov 30, 2017Nov 30, 2017 from 4:00pm–5:00pm


Altman Clinical Translational Research Institute, auditorium 1W-210, on the left as you enter the main lobby

Event Registration

Registration is not required for this event.

Event Fee



Darlene Garvais    858-822-6118


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

Dr. Bryan Sun, MD, PhD, Department of Dermatology—Sun Lab

Event Category

Talks and Lectures