Calendar of Events


Mar 26, 2018Mar 26, 2018 from 12:00pm–1:00pm

Scripps Science Policy Discussion Group: Religious Environmentalism

The research done at Scripps Institution of Oceanography is inexorably linked to society, and has the potential to set the foundation for policies proposed by our leaders and decision makers. The Scripps Science Policy Discussion Group aims to engage students, staff, and faculty at SIO and UC San Diego in meaningful conversation about science policy and the intersection of science and policy. Fostering these discussions in our research community will allow us to bridge the gap between research and policy decisions, as well as providing inspiring new paradigms for our current work. For more information, please see our website: This week, our discussion lead will be Dr. Mayfair Yang. The discussion topic will be “Religious Environmentalism”

Date and Time

Mar 26, 2018Mar 26, 2018 from 12:00pm–1:00pm


Martin Johnson House

Event Registration

Registration is not required for this event.

Event Fee



Anna Wilson


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

Scripps Science Policy Discussion Group

Event Category

Talks and Lectures