Jan 25, 2018–Jan 25, 2018 from 2:00pm–3:30pm
Join the UC San Diego South Asia Initiative on Thursday, January 25, 2018 as Ramesh Srinivasan, Associated Professor at UCLA Info Studies, discusses Technology, Inequality, and Our World: Taking Back the New Media Revolution. Ramesh Srinivasan has been a faculty member at UCLA since 2005 in the Information Studies and Design|Media Arts departments. He is the founder of the UC-wide Digital Cultures Lab, exploring the meaning of technology worldwide as it spreads to the far reaches of our world. He is also the author of the books: “Whose Global Village? Rethinking How Technology Impacts Our World” with NYU Press, and “After the Internet” (with Adam Fish) on Polity Press to be released in December of 2017. Srinivasan earned his Ph.D. in design studies at Harvard; his master’s degree in media arts and science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering at Stanford. He has served fellowships in MIT’s Media Laboratory in Cambridge and the MIT Media Lab Asia. He has also been a teaching fellow at the Graduate School of Design and Department of Visual and Environmental Design at Harvard. Srinivasan is a regular speaker for TEDx Talks, and makes media appearances on MSNBC, NPR, Al Jazeera, “The Young Turks,” National Geographic, and Public Radio International. His writings have been widely published by Al Jazeera English, CNN, Wired, The Washington Post, Forbes, and The Huffington Post.
Jan 25, 2018–Jan 25, 2018
from 2:00pm–3:30pm
Rm 1202, Computer Science and Engineering Buidling
Registration is not required for this event.
Amruta Trivedi • southasiaucsd@gmail.com
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public
UC San Diego South Asia Initiative, International Institute, The Design Lab