Calendar of Events


Nov 16, 2017Nov 16, 2017 from 5:00pm–6:30pm

The Specter of Global China

The Specter of Global China

China has recently emerged as one of Africa’s top business partners, aggressively pursuing its raw materials and establishing a mighty presence in the continent’s booming construction market. Among major foreign investors in Africa, China has stirred the most fear, hope, and controversy. Ching Kwan Lee, professor of sociology at the UC Los Angeles in her new book “The Specter of Global China,” analyzes the peculiarity of outbound Chinese state capital by comparing it with global private capital in copper and construction in Zambia. Refuting the rhetorical narratives of “Chinese colonialism” and “south-south cooperation,” Lee draws on ethnographic data collected over a six-year period to chronicle the multi-faceted struggles that confront and differentiate these two varieties of capital, and discuss their uneven potentials for post-colonial African development.

Date and Time

Nov 16, 2017Nov 16, 2017 from 5:00pm–6:30pm


Institute of the Americas Malamud Conference Room

Event Registration

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Event Fee

Free to attend


Sam Tsoi    858-246-1950


Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public

Event Host

GPS 21st Century China Center

Event Category

Talks and Lectures