North Korea continues to represent the most significant foreign policy challenge of the Trump administration. Yet the military and diplomatic issues center not only on North Korea itself but on the triangular relations between the U.S., China and South Korea. In this panel, we hear a perspective from the Moon Jae-in administration with commentary by GPS faculty.
Chung-in Moon, Distinguished University Professor, Yonsei University and Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for Foreign Affairs and National Security
Susan Shirk, Director, GPS 21st Century China Center
This event is sponsored by the Korea-Pacific Program and 21st Century China Center at GPS with support from the Asia Research Fund and Pacific Century Institute.
The event will take place in the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Roth Auditorium (directions). A limited number of reserved, complimentary parking will be available on a first come, first serve basis at the east parking lot adjacent to the Sanford Consortium building. All other parking spaces will require a parking permit purchased at the pay station. There is also limited space available for street parking along Torrey Pines Scenic Drive.