Sep 24, 2017–Sep 30, 2017 (All Day)
Welcome Week, an annual tradition at UC San Diego, fosters Triton Spirit for both new and returning students. Take part in the fun and supportive activities, services and programs to find your place, make friends, and live the Triton Spirit! Each College hosts its own unique activities for welcome week! Along with the college events, there are also campus-wide and department focused Welcome Week events. There is a lot going on. Make sure you don’t miss Convocation Dinner, Triton Power Hour, UnOlympics, and all the other amazing activities being planned! Find out more at
Sep 24, 2017–Sep 30, 2017
(All Day)
Throughout UC San Diego
Registration is not required for this event.
Point of contact varies • • 858-534-0501
Center for Student Involvement