Mar 8, 2018–Mar 8, 2018 from 4:00pm–5:00pm
Thursday, March 8th, The Visual Arts department presents artist Robert Blatt for a public talk and experience. Robert Blatt (1984, Anaheim, CA) is a composer and sound artist whose work is rooted in explorations of expanded sonic situations and the entanglements of sound, space and listening. His practice is experimental and process driven, which utilizes computational, conceptual and psychological strategies. His work has presented at Weisslich (London and Manchester, UK), Subtropics (Miami, FL), Art in Odd Places (NYC, USA), Internationale Ferienkurse fur Neue Musk (Darmstadt, DE), International Computer Music Conference (Huddersfield, UK), Het Nutshuis (The Hague, NL) and has been supported with residencies from Jackstraw New Media Gallery (Seattle, USA) and GEMAK (The Hague, NL). He is a recent recipient from a fellowship from Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart, DE). Since 2006, Blatt has created a variety of experimental works utilizing digital sound processing, algorithmic music composition and the construction of electroacoustic instruments of his own design. He has extensive experience with the SuperCollider programming environment, including numerous performance and installation pieces, much of the work merging these two disciplines together, utilizing multiple channels of audio, live audio input and evolving processing through various algorithmic control structures.
Mar 8, 2018–Mar 8, 2018
from 4:00pm–5:00pm
Envision Maker Space, SME 302, Structural & Materials Engineering Building
Registration is not required for this event.
Nick Lesley • • 858-822-7755
Faculty, Staff, Students, The General Public
Visual Arts