Calendar of Events


March 04, 2018

Privacy 101 Workshop
Jun 22, 2012Jun 22, 2019 from 9:00am–12:00pm

Privacy 101 Workshop

Sessions will discuss privacy issues here on campus and how individuals can best protect themselves and the personal data they handle. Trainings will also discuss recently-enacted privacy laws and how UC San Diego handles personal data.

March 04, 2018

Feb 6, 2018Mar 4, 2018 from 7:30pm–9:30pm

The Cake

Written by Bekah Brunstetter and directed by Casey Stangl, the play explores into a story where the character Jen lives in New York but has always dreamed of getting married in her small North Carolina hometown.

March 04, 2018

Women's History Month
Mar 1, 2018Mar 15, 2018 (All Day)

Women's History Month

UC San Diego celebrates Women’s History Month throughout the month of March with a series of events entitled “Women’s Herstory Month” that recognize the rich stories of women’s leadership, creativity and activism.

March 04, 2018

Grunion Runs with Birch Aquarium at Scripps
Mar 3, 2018Mar 4, 2018 from 10:30pm–12:30am

Grunion Runs with Birch Aquarium at Scripps

Watch hundreds of small silver fish called grunion ride the waves onto La Jolla beaches to spawn. Our naturalists will highlight the fascinating lives of these mysterious fish, help you hatch grunion eggs before your eyes.