Sessions will discuss privacy issues here on campus and how individuals can best protect themselves and the personal data they handle. Trainings will also discuss recently-enacted privacy laws and how UC San Diego handles personal data.
Step into an 8-foot cube and become surrounded by video projections of single-celled marine organisms — called dinoflagellates — reacting to various stimulants such as the human heartbeat, music, water flow, and air pressure.
Dr. Steven Schick, Percussionist, Conductor and Author, and Distinguished Professor Reed Family Presidential Chair, Department of Music, UC San Diego, presents a noontime lecture to Oceanids Sounding Board at the Faculty Club.
Roddey Reid is Professor Emeritus, Department of Literature, UC San Diego where he taught courses on the modern societies and cultures of France, the U.S., and Japan.
The event will reflect on the November 2017 scientific deliberations by world experts on climate and air pollution, organized by the Vatican and co-sponsored by the UC San Diego Institute for Public Health.
Join the Clarke Center for a conversation with Andy Weir, author of the 2011 novel The Martian (adapted into the film starring Matt Damon). Weir will discuss Artemis, his new novel set in a near-future world on the first lunar city.
A comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games, She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans following the death of her sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly's Dungeons & Dragons notebook, she stumbles into an action-packed journey.
MFA Candidate Verónica Santiago Moniello explores the potential of bodies and motion in space while simultaneously confronting subject material that has inspired her intellectual and scholarly pursuits over her time at UC San Diego.