Calendar of Events


February 12, 2018

Privacy 101 Workshop
Jun 22, 2012Jun 22, 2019 from 9:00am–12:00pm

Privacy 101 Workshop

Sessions will discuss privacy issues here on campus and how individuals can best protect themselves and the personal data they handle. Trainings will also discuss recently-enacted privacy laws and how UC San Diego handles personal data.

February 12, 2018

UC San Diego Black History Month
Feb 1, 2018Feb 28, 2018 (All Day)

UC San Diego Black History Month

UC San Diego will celebrate Black History Month in February with events that pay tribute to legendary figures in African American history. Events include film screenings, educational seminars, art exhibits and more.

February 12, 2018

Feb 6, 2018Mar 4, 2018 from 7:30pm–9:30pm

The Cake

Written by Bekah Brunstetter and directed by Casey Stangl, the play explores into a story where the character Jen lives in New York but has always dreamed of getting married in her small North Carolina hometown.

February 12, 2018

16th Annual Paper Theatre Festival: Finale!
Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018 from 12:00pm–1:00pm

16th Annual Paper Theatre Festival: Finale!

Paper theatre: it’s the smallest show on Earth! This scale-model Victorian educational toy is being re-discovered and celebrated at a free festival in the Seuss Room of Geisel Library with activities all weekend (Feb 10, 11) & finale Monday at noon.

February 12, 2018

Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018 from 12:00pm–1:00pm

Scripps Science Policy Discussion Group: If Mitigation and Adaptation Aren't Enough...

Discussion Lead: Dr. Corey Gabriel. Discussion Topic: If Mitigation and Adaptation Aren't Enough...

February 12, 2018

A Raisin in the Sun
Feb 10, 2018Feb 17, 2018 from 2:00pm–4:30pm

A Raisin in the Sun

A classic of the American stage, A Raisin in the Sun follows Walter Younger and his family in Chicago, each feeling confined by their physical home space and the social roles they’ve been assigned. View more dates and times »

February 12, 2018

Jan 29, 2018Feb 12, 2018 from 3:00pm–4:00pm


Provost Yu invites Revelle Students, Faculty, Alumni, and staff to drop in Mondays 3-4pm, Revelle Admin Bldg/Advising Bldg for REV'd - Revelle Engages in Verve Development! Light refreshments. Refresh! Rejuvinate! Get REV'd! View more dates and times »

February 12, 2018

CHS Vassiliadis Lecture: Was There A Eurasian Late Antiquity?
Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018 from 5:00pm–7:00pm

CHS Vassiliadis Lecture: Was There A Eurasian Late Antiquity?

Join us for a lecture hosted by the Center for Hellenic Studies featuring guest speaker Professor Michael Kulikowski from Penn State.

February 12, 2018

Perspectives Lecture: Early Detection Fire Camera Systems Prove Their Worth
Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018 from 6:30pm–8:00pm

Perspectives Lecture: Early Detection Fire Camera Systems Prove Their Worth

Given the recent devastation caused by the North Bay wildfires, researchers from University of Nevada, Reno and UC San Diego are working to rethink our approach to fire response in California and the west.